What is (are) the most frustrating problems for you in adding photography to your practice?

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Additional Sources for Digital Dental Photography Education

While my goal is, naturally, to provide practicing dentists with virtually everything they need to know to seamlessly integrate digital photography into their practices, there are obviously many colleagues who've done a great deal of work in this arena already.  Among those is certainly a dentist whom every dentist should know: Dr. Frank Spear.  Besides being a terrific teacher and phenomenal practicing dentist, he has put together a long series of DVDs on topics that cover about everything you could want to know in dentistry - including photography.

With that in mind, I'd like to HIGHLY recommend that you take a look at his website, www.SpearEducation.com.  Talk about one incredible resource!  He has a series of DVDs devoted to photography, and they provide practical tips and techniques on everything, including color management of your printer and monitor (extremely important for shade communication to laboratories in demanding cosmetic cases), case presentation, and more.

Check it out!

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