What is (are) the most frustrating problems for you in adding photography to your practice?

Monday, March 8, 2010

Scratch my mirrors and die....then buy me Starbucks for a week!

How to care for dental mirrors

Ok, so I can't take credit for the title or ANY of the following post, as it was copied verbatim from a post on a professional dental forum.  Fortunately my friend doesn't mind me copying and pasting as long as I paste his name really big right here.  LOL

Michael J. Melkers, DDS, FAGD
Visiting Faculty, The Spear Institute
With no further ado.......here is how to take care of those really expensive dental mirrors:
OK-in the never ending battle, we bought some new mirrors this week and have come up with the following office policy:

The first person to scratch the new mirrors:
2-buys the office Starbucks for a week...

I take alot of pics in the office and scratches drive me crazy-especially when they are projected or published...so I came up with this idea:

Step 1:  Buy new mirrors AND a box of microfiber photo cloths...I bought the cloths from Uline.com for about 35 bucks...

Unfold said cloths and tuck in mirros...

Fold the top to the bottom then the sides over the sides...

Bag 'em and run 'em through the sterilizer...

Mirrors stay safe, clean, sterilized, always have a cloth..keep em clean, keep the drops off in the autoclave...open the bag and the mirros stay on the cloth at all times.  The cloths can be washed as well.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Look for an upcoming interview!

Well, this was kind of fun!  Thanks to my friend, Dr. Lorne Lavine, and his blog The Digital Dentist, I was recently contacted by Kathy Kincade, the Editor-in-Chief of an online dental trade magazine, DrBicuspid.com, about doing an interview on why the Canon T2i DSLR will be such a great dental camera.  Not exactly sure when the article will be published, but I'll provide a link to it once it comes out.

Also, we just finished a full-mouth reconstruction case a couple weeks ago and saw the patient for a 2-week post-op checkup, and I'll show some different ways to showcase pictures like this for print and the web.  I'll use that to lead into my overdue post on how to manage/understand patient expectations in aesthetic cases by using digital photography, because how you showcase your other work can be both a powerful marketing tool and communications tool to understand just what it is your next patient wants.